It’s a dog’s life in America

What can I say.. I’m gob-smacked, astounded and in tears of laughter of those silly Americans treating their dogs. I know the Americans probably won’t appreciate me calling them silly but come on open your eyes!

After three weeks in California state alone and I’ve come across these luxuries for dogs..

  1. The first thing that shocked me was a dog stroller, yes like a pram but a dog sitting inside instead of a baby..
  2. Dog/pet hotel: I actually saw one of these when driving past in Los Angeles, a pet HOTEL where there’s food in the lobby and a bellboys walking the dog.. Probably get a massage in the rooms too.
  3. Dog clothes – a rail of various clothing, jackets, t-shirts and what’s worse a bloody TUTU! Jesus.. I feel for the dog..
  4. Snowgloves for dogs (to be fair, it’s cold in the mountains)
  5. Dog relief area in a normal hotel, a small patch of greenery is reserved for dogs who wish to relieve themselves. First I’ve heard?
  6. Allowing dogs in Casinos..
  7. A stall at the market selling, collars, leads and visors for dogs. A visor meaning a sunshade hat.. yes you heard, a visor for dogs..!
  8. Another stall, selling bling bling jewel collars for their for legged loved ones
  9. Lots more, to many to list: Dog pillows, dog portraits etc
Bet you wish you were a dog?
I love dogs personally but I would never put them in a tutu and push them around in a stroller. I would be embarrassed..! I’m not wrong here right??

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